6 Easy Yoga Poses For Couples To Rediscover Intimacy
6 Easy Yoga Poses For Couples To Rediscover Intimacy

6 Easy Yoga Poses For Couples To Rediscover Intimacy

Easy Yoga Poses for Couples – Yoga can be an amazing way to reconnect with your partner. It provides a nonverbal, nonthreatening platform on which to get to know each other deeper while making you feel closer than ever before. Unfortunately, however, many couples struggle with finding appropriate poses that won’t involve nudity or anything too intimate; but don’t despair just yet: these 6 easy poses for couples should help rediscover intimacy immediately!

6 Easy Yoga Poses For Couples

1) Calm Down And Connect with Breath

Calm Down and Connect with Breath

Start feeling closer to your partner by breathing deeply – yes, even the sort of deep-breathing practiced while sitting on public transit! By connecting to your breath and slowing it down, you will be able to better regulate your emotions and find intimacy.

Make an effort to find a balance between feeling too uptight or too loose, while staying connected to each other. Try engaging in a simple breathing exercise while sitting with legs crossed – close your eyes, focus your attention on breathing without altering or changing anything about it, this yoga pose for couples can help.

2) Try A Gentle Backbend

Try a Gentle Backbend

Backbends are an effective way to open up your chest and connect with your partner, since they allow for a lot of eye contact. A variation of the Camel pose may work best; one partner kneels with back arched, while their partner sits behind with legs extended forwards – perfect!

Camel pose is an effective way to maintain eye contact without exerting too much strain on your neck, while maintaining eye contact without straining yourself too much. For something gentler, try Bridge pose; one partner lays back with their legs lifted while their partner sits or kneels between their bent knees – perfect if you want a back bend without straining too much on their spine – also great yoga poses for couples!

3) Go For A Hug And Hold

Go for a Hug and Hold

Hugging and Holding can be an intimate way of showing affection while keeping clothing on. This pose elevates your heart rate, so it’s a fantastic way to open up both bodies to each other. Try the Standing Hug position: One partner stands with legs slightly apart with feet facing forward while their hands rest lightly on their upper back; their hands then rest lightly on another partner who stands with legs slightly apart with arms out in T position before them – while both hold onto each other firmly!

Partners close the distance by leaning in, wrapping their arms around one another, and holding this pose for at least 15-30 seconds (although you may stay longer if desired). For an alternate take on this pose, try the Standing Back Hug. It features hands placed on upper back while partners’ arms form an inverted “T”.

4) Twist And Shout

Twist and Shout This pose is a fantastic way to open up your body, while providing a fun twist on the classic Twisting Triangle pose. In order to perform this move, one partner sits on the ground with their legs stretched out in front of them and hands behind their legs, knees touching the floor; their partner sits behind with legs stretched out in front of them both twisted either leftwards or rightwards and hands behind their legs with knees touching floor; at this time both partners twist their upper bodies rightward while their knees should touch ground when performing this move – both times twisting their upper bodies left; all partners should twist both ways until knees touch the ground.

Hold the pose for at least 15-30 seconds and switch sides, before doing it again. This pose is an effective way of opening up bodies to each other, and partners can even try variations like sitting facing each other on the ground with legs spread out front of them and hands behind their legs while touching knees on floor surface.

Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds on each side, then switch sides. This simple yoga poses for couples is sure to open up communication and connect people who may otherwise never meet! Try out some easy yoga poses now!

5) Try A Little Inversion

Inversions are a wonderful way to build intimacy between partners. Yet many are nervous to try them for fear of falling or being upside down. If this describes you, try the Fish pose; suitable for all levels and designed specifically to ease into inversions without losing footing on the ground. In this pose, one partner sits with legs stretched out front of them on the floor while their other sits behind with legs stretched forward similarly.

Hold this pose for at least 15-30 seconds on each side and switch sides when done. As an alternate variation of Fish Pose, try the Inverted Hug. Similar to Fish, except partners are facing each other rather than touching feet together – great way to connect and test out inversion without risking flipping over!

6) Hold A Partner Yoga Pose Together

Partner yoga poses are an excellent way to build connection between bodies. One partner sits with legs stretched out in front of them with hands behind them with knees touching the floor while their partner sits behind with legs stretched out in front and their hands on both partner’s legs – at which time both partners place hands on one partner’s legs, holding this pose for 15-30 seconds before switching sides.

This pose is an effective way to open up and connect with one another by raising your heart rate while doing it. For an alternative take on this pose, try the Seated Partner Twist pose; partners twisting their upper bodies either left or right is similar, making this pose an ideal way to open up bodies while raising blood pressure and engaging the mind simultaneously.

Also Refer :- 6 Health Benefits of Yoga


Yoga can be an incredible way to strengthen relationships. It provides a nonverbal, nonthreatening platform to discover each other on a deeper level, leading to closer bonds than ever. Unfortunately, however, couples sometimes struggle when looking for appropriate poses without nudity or anything too intimate – but here are six easy yoga poses designed for couples that will help rediscover intimacy today!