Trans fats extend the shelf life of processed foods. While trans fats may benefit food producers, they’re harmful for humans.
Trans fats found in processed foods are an inexpensive and straightforward way to extend their shelf life and extend our eating enjoyment. Unfortunately, though beneficial to food manufacturers, trans fats have long been considered unsafe for humans – which makes limiting trans fat consumption so essential. They’re added unnaturally through hydrogenation processes where hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oil before changing it into solid fat at room temperature.
Trans fats can often be found in seared foods, savory snacks, frozen pizzas, prepared products, margarines, instant icing and coffee flavors.
Consumption of trans fats has been linked with higher LDL levels and lower HDL ones; along with increasing levels of plaque formation in blood vessel walls. These findings point toward increased risks associated with heart disease being the main cause of death across America.
In 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that partially hydrogenated oils are unsafe for human consumption. Since 2015, FDA restrictions on trans fats have begun, with assessments suggesting they might prevent up to 20,000 heart attacks annually and 7,000 coronary disease deaths; and that global ban of artificial trans fats should occur by 2023.
While the United States recently implemented restrictions on trans fats, some producers were granted an extension until 2020 for complying.
Ways Of Trying Not To Eat Foods That Contain Trans Fats
Eat as many whole foods as possible such as natural products, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lean meats, fish, nuts and lean poultry. When shopping supermarkets try and shop from the edge instead of purchasing items on internal aisles to reduce your exposure to processed food that might contain trans fats.
Reduce consumption of processed food products; limit these meals to special occasions and smaller portions.
Not all processed foods contain trans fats. When selecting processed food items to consume, avoid those known to contain trans fats, such as chips, treats, doughnuts, icing cakes rolls wafers microwave popcorn fast foods seared fast foods or frozen pizza.
Peruse food labels carefully and steer clear of foods containing significant quantities of hydrogenated oil as an ingredient.
Avoid stick margarine and vegetable shortening for baking and meal planning at home by switching over to olive oil, grape seed oil, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil or sunflower oil instead.
No matter where you dine, try to limit your diet to foods which have been heated, steamed, broiled, or barbecued instead of those which are deep-fried.