Craziest Soviet Machines : For nearly 70 years, the Soviet Union showcased its mechanical might through various experimental designs. From colossal cannons to flying saucers, they pushed the boundaries of engineering and creativity. In this article, we’ll explore some of the craziest Soviet vehicles that actually existed. Get ready to be amazed and perhaps a little bewildered by these extraordinary machines.
6. The Two B, One Oka: The Massive Artillery Model
In the midst of the Cold War, the Soviet Union developed the Two B, One Oka, an experimental artillery model designed to rival the American Atomic Annie. This cannon boasted a terrifying 65-foot-long barrel, firing 420mm rounds weighing a colossal 1650 pounds. However, its size and laborious loading process limited its practicality, and the project was eventually abandoned. Nevertheless, just the sight of this massive cannon would have struck fear into Soviet enemies.