At some point in any relationship, finding more time together becomes imperative to strengthening and keeping things exciting. One effective and enjoyable activity to engage in together is yoga; its many physical and psychological benefits make practicing it with someone special even more therapeutic and intimate than ever. Partner poses in yoga help foster emotional connections as you support one another physically, mentally and emotionally – these eight poses for couples can experience more benefits of this ancient art!
Yoga Poses For Couples
1) Still Standing Forward Fold

Standing forward fold is an excellent yoga pose to begin their yoga sessions together safely, especially for newcomers or couples unsure if partner poses are something they’d like to try. When starting off their practice together this position can make an excellent way for partners who may still feel intimidated by trying partner poses such as backbends. Pregnant women also find this pose especially suitable.
As this pose doesn’t involve getting on the ground, it makes entering and exiting it more manageable. When performing it, both partners should stand facing each other with legs apart before you bend forward from your hips to let your partner place his/her hands behind your back to support it before gently drawing you back up into standing position – one of the top Yoga Poses for Couples.
2) Half Moon

Half Moon This pose is ideal for strengthening core muscles while increasing balance, flexibility, and calming your mind. Partnering up for this pose allows you to leverage each other’s strengths; for example if one partner is stronger they can support the other more effectively. To do this pose, one partner lays on their back while one stands above them with hands bending down until hands align with feet on floor below; more Yoga Poses for Couples are listed below.
3) Double-Leg Forward Fold

Double-Leg Forward Fold Starting your couple’s yoga session off right with the double-leg forward fold is an excellent way to begin their session. Not only does this pose provide physical benefits, but it can also open your heart and mind so that you can connect more closely with each other. Plus, anyone of any fitness level can do it – beginners particularly benefit from practicing alongside an experienced partner to ensure they perform each pose correctly! To do so: Simply get into standing position facing each other – making this an effortless Yoga Poses For Couples practice session that anyone can do without strain!
As you interlock your hands or place your palms against those of your partner’s palms, connect your gaze. Bend at your knees slowly while keeping your spine straight and chest open – benefits for couples: Engaging in double-leg forward folds is beneficial to couples as it enables them to open up their hearts more deeply and deepen relationships more directly. Furthermore, any couple regardless of fitness level can enjoy doing this pose together; other Yoga Poses For Couples may be found below.
4) Cobra Pos
Cobra Pose Cobra pose can help your back by relieving pain, improving posture, and helping to relax your mind and help with reflection. In order to perform this pose, one partner lies on their stomach while another stands above them with hands placed on their partner’s lower back; then their partner slowly lifts themselves off of the floor by gently drawing themselves up while keeping their upper body still on the ground.
5) Bow Pose
Bow pose can help improve hip and back flexibility while toning abdominal muscles, as well as helping you remain present and be in the present moment. In bow pose, one partner lies on their stomach while their partner stands above them with feet on either side of their legs; then the person lying down gently draws their hips back, with their partner holding onto them by placing hands on their lower back to maintain this pose – discover more Yoga Poses For Couples listed below!
6) Child’s Pose For Couples
Child’s pose can help partners strengthen their connection on a deeper level. In this resting pose, one partner sits with legs together and bent at the knees on a mat while their partner rests their torso against their back in a sitting pose on the floor.
This pose works best when both partners are relaxed and open to one another. It makes an ideal starting or midpoint pose, or even as an ending one to wind down and relax together. How to Do it: In this pose, one partner sits with their legs bent at the knees closed together on the floor while their counterpart sits behind with their legs bent similarly, leaving a slight space between their knees.
Benefits for Couples: This pose can help couples feel closer and relax more together by resting their torso on their partner’s back while placing their head on their shoulder. If necessary, one partner on the ground could even place their legs over their partner’s shins if necessary. Benefits for Couples: This pose provides restful attention between partners while being fully present together; both can enjoy feeling connected and relieved at the same time! It is truly soothing – why not check out more Yoga Poses For Couples mentioned here below?
7) Side Plank
This pose is ideal for toning abdominal muscles while improving posture and balance, as well as being present and reflective at once. In doing a side plank pose with two people involved, one partner lies on their side while their partner stands next to them, placing their hands on both hips; then one partner draws knees toward chest while supporting partner places hands on lower back; this pose makes one of the best Yoga Poses For Couples!
8) Partner Wheel
Partner wheel is an engaging yoga pose designed for couples that requires concentration, flexibility, and trust – perfect for pushing past light exercise with one another! Push yourself and each other hard in this pose which promotes self-discipline and focus. One of the Best Yoga Poses For Couples!
Benefits The partner wheel pose is an intensely challenging one that demands concentration, flexibility and trust between partners. Pushing yourself and each other beyond comfort zones promotes self-discipline and focus. Yoga practitioners often say practice makes perfect. Partner wheel is the epitome of this sentiment as it will teach focus and self-discipline needed for any field of endeavour.
Also Refer :- 7 Tips to Stop Sweating in Yoga
Yoga can help couples strengthen their relationship and find new ways of showing affection towards one another. Partner yoga poses are an ideal way for this purpose; as they allow couples to support and care for one another in an intimate space that fosters physical, mental, and emotional intimacy. Here are just a few partner poses from yoga that could work for couples; when doing these poses be sure to maintain proper posture while remaining aware of breath as this will ensure maximum benefit from these poses.