Losing Weight Can Be Difficult – Maintaining weight loss can be difficult, and consistent exercise combined with healthy eating habits are the keys to reaching your weight loss goals. Yoga poses can help with this goal as they increase metabolism, circulation and reduce stress as well as boost self-confidence – check out these 5 Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Weight now!
Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Weight
1) Treadmill Pose

Treadmill pose, also referred to as the yoga squat, is a seated pose that’s sometimes known as the “yoga squat.” This yoga pose helps build strength in both legs and bum while improving flexibility. If knee pain is an issue for you, try doing treadmill pose with bent knees; or place feet on edge of raised surface (like bench) so knees are slightly higher than hips for added mobility. No matter which version of treadmill pose you use it can boost metabolism, burn calories faster while aid digestion – making this Yoga Poses To Help Lose Weight!
How to Do It:
- Sit comfortably with legs bent and feet flat on the floor or raised surface.
- Bend your knees if you experience knee pain or keep them straight if that is what is necessary for comfort.
- As you slowly raise your arms up and over your head, inhale deeply as you raise them gradually.
- Gently bend forward towards your knees and let your arms rest on the floor behind you as you slowly exhale.
- Hold this position for several seconds before slowly rising back to your starting position.
- Benefits of Treadmill Pose:
- Treadmill pose is an effective way to warm up and stretch out your body.
- Your abdominal organs may benefit from stimulation.
- Dieting can also help you lose weight and boost your metabolism.
- Treadmill pose is an effective way to ease stress and sleep more soundly.
- Strength training can strengthen your legs, bum, and core.
2) Chair Pose

Chair Pose This seated yoga pose is often featured at the start of Hatha yoga classes to stretch hamstrings, calves, shoulders and back muscles while improving core strength and digestion. Beginners or those with limited flexibility can attempt chair pose with knees bent; but for faster weight loss try doing this pose without knee bends – check out more Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Weight
How to Do It:
- While sitting down, gradually shift your hips toward one side while leaving one leg out straight.
- Bend your arm and rest it on either your knee or the floor next to your leg.
- Exhale as you lean towards one side and inhale as you shift back toward the center.
- Do this several times, breathing in while leaning toward one side and exhaling as you shift back toward the middle.
- Make sure that you’re leaning forward as far as possible without feeling any discomfort in your back.
- Benefits of Chair Pose:
- Sitting comfortably can help your digestion, posture, and digestion by strengthening your core.
- Relaxation techniques may also help ease anxiety.
- Chair pose can strengthen both legs and lower back muscles, making it easier to ascend steep inclines.
- Meditation may also help improve sleep quality and boost your overall wellbeing.
3) Half-Moon Pose

Half-moon pose is a seated yoga pose designed to strengthen and stretch hips. This pose also improves digestion and blood circulation while increasing difficulty by lifting arms above head or resting them on knees – or try it with bent knees if desired; or do this pose without bending knees faster! Check Out These Yoga Poses To Help With Weight Loss.
How to Do It:
- Squatting down, bring one foot closer and place its ankle atop of the opposite knee.
- Grab both of your ankles, then one knee with both hands simultaneously.
- As you lean gradually toward the side that’s out straight, take a slow inhale as you move slowly back toward center; and exhale as you shift back.
- Do this several times, inhaling as you lean towards the side and exhaling as you shift back toward the center.
- Make sure that you lean as far back as you can without experiencing any backache.
- Benefits of Half-Moon Pose:
- Half-moon pose can help improve digestion, blood circulation and overall digestion by strengthening your core.
- Yoga can also help you unwind, decrease stress and elevate your mood.
- A half-moon pose can strengthen your hips and help enhance balance.
- Sleep better and improve your mood are also benefits that come from yoga practice.
- Check Out 5 Minute Yoga Exercise to promote a healthier lifestyle
Also Refer :- 5 Minute Yoga For Healthy Lifestyle
4) Butterfly Pose
Butterfly is a seated pose that can be done either before or after half moon pose to stretch shoulders and relax before stressful situations. Additionally, this pose helps digestion, blood circulation, mood regulation and reduce lower back pain. For faster weight loss use the butterfly pose without bending knees (see this Yoga Poses To Help With Weight Loss).
How to Do It:
- mes While sitting, bring one foot up toward your body and place it on the opposite knee.
- Grab the ankle of the leg that’s out straight and slowly pull it towards you.
- Exhale slowly as you shift toward one side that’s out straight, inhale as you lean in slowly towards it, and exhale slowly back towards the center.
- Do this a few times, inhaling as you lean to one side and exhaling when shifting back toward the center.
- Make sure that you lean as far back as you can without experiencing any back discomfort.
- Benefits of Butterfly Pose:
- Butterfly pose can help reduce stress, improve digestion, and promote better sleep.
- An exercise program may help you relax, enhance your mood and decrease anxiety levels.
- Butterfly pose can strengthen shoulders, improve balance and help you relax before an otherwise stressful situation.
5) Bending Over Backward Pose
Image Credit The bending over backward pose is an effective seated pose that’s frequently employed at the conclusion of a Hatha Yoga session. This pose can help stretch and improve posture while relieving tension, relieving anxiety, reducing digestion issues, as well as helping with lower back pain relief and weight loss. For optimal results when losing weight faster quickly do this pose without bending knees – see Yoga Poses That Will Help You Lose Weight for more details.
How to Do It:
- Whilst sitting, place one hand on the floor behind you and the other on your knee.
- As you lean slightly outward, inhale slowly while leaning slowly toward one side and exhale as you gradually shift back toward the center.
- Repeat this several times, inhaling as you lean outward and exhaling when shifting back toward the middle.
- Make sure you are leaning as far back as you can without experiencing any backache.
- Benefits of Bending Over Backward Pose:
- Bending over backward pose can help improve digestion, ease anxiety and enhance sleep quality.
- Relaxation techniques can also help to soothe and elevate your mood.
- Bending over backward can strengthen your back, improve posture and help you walk uphill more easily.
- Additionally, exercise can also help improve sleep quality and lift your mood.