17. Golden Retriever
Average Price: $2,000*
Country of Origin: Scotland
One of the friendliest dogs on this list is the Golden Retriever. It’s a big dog that was originally bred as a hunting companion to fetch game birds from the water. The name “Retriever” comes from its skill in bringing back shot birds without harming them.
Golden Retrievers have a gentle mouth, so gentle that they can even hold an egg without breaking it. This made them popular for hunting trips. They’re really friendly and dependable dogs. You can easily spot them by their golden or creamy coat. They’re the fifth most popular dog breed worldwide.
Golden Retrievers are loved in TV shows and movies. They’ve appeared in series like CBS’ Sam and NBC’s Year in the Life, making fans happy. They’re easy to train and very affectionate, which makes them adored by almost everyone. No matter the theme, they can fit right in on any TV or movie set.